For generations, street hockey has been a favourite cultural pastime for communities that love to play. A social phenomenon, created by Indigenous peoples, woven into the fabric that holds Canada together from coast to coast.
Street sports unite and inspire.
A not for profit organization led by an inclusive Volunteer Board of Directors
The first Play On! street hockey tournament was held in Halifax in 2003. Since that time, a total of 181 Play On! events have been held in 41 communities, involving over 2 million participants, spectators, volunteers, and officials. The event set the Guinness world record for largest street hockey tournament, involving over 42,000 players in its largest season (prior to COVID-19).
Play On! Canada successfully relaunched in 2022, after the impact of COVID-19 became better understood. Its Volunteer Board of Directors meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to plan and govern the future of this important Canadian program.